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Branding Case Study – The Fruitful Seduction Strategy
By 2024.04.23.

In this branding case study, we demonstrate how we flexed our creative muscles and, through bold and sexually sophisticated communication, generated high positive engagement for our client, Anjuna Ice Pops—a regional natural and plant-based ice pop brand in Central Europe.

Anjuna Ice Pops

We had known Anjuna for a while; they disrupted the Central European markets several years ago with their innovative ice creams and quickly became the favorite brand among younger generations. Their assortment includes a variety of vegan and fruit options, toppings, and vegan cakes. They provide a Mediterranean gastro experience at several locations in Budapest, and their products are available in hundreds of retail spaces and chains across Europe.

Four years ago, they were a fresh phenomenon in this segment with their lifestyle-focused communication and TikTok videos.

anjuna ice pops
anjuna ice pops
anjuna ice pops

(The old creatives for Anjuna looked nice but did not generate the engagement they wanted – Branding case study)

The Problem

By 2023, Anjuna was somewhat stuck with their campaigns and in search of something fresh and outstanding. That’s when they approached Evolut. After we presented benchmarks from other markets and explained our proposed approach, they decided to partner with us to develop a new creative direction.

Branding Strategy

At first, we set the basic elements of their brand and established the brand personality. Anjuna’s brand personality can be captured as a mix of the ‘Lover’ and ‘Everyman’ archetypes. This unique combination creates a brand image that fosters a direct and intimate connection with its customers while emphasizing a passion for pleasures and sensory experiences. Anjuna celebrates the simple joys of life, conveying feelings of love and care through natural, healthy, and fresh ingredients. This brand personality aims to make the sensation of tropical happiness accessible to everyone, while focusing on individual well-being and enriching experiences.

anjuna personality

(The brand personality of Anjuna – Mix of the ‘everyman’ and ‘lover’ – Branding case study)

Creative Directions

For Anjuna’s rebranding, we developed two distinct creative directions to encapsulate and amplify the essence of their brand personality:


  • The first direction emphasizes the product and its associated positive human interactions, enhancing the experience that the brand offers. This approach is designed to bring the customer closer to the sensory pleasures of Anjuna’s ice pops, highlighting moments of joy and connection that occur when enjoying their products.
anjuna moodboard

(Pleasure creative direction – Branding case study)

  • The second creative direction showcases fruits not just as ingredients but as symbols of love, success, and nature’s bounty. This strategy portrays fruits as the results of the Earth’s creative powers, integrating them into compositions that highlight their allure through exaggerated, playful, or even sensual visuals.
anjuna moodboard

(Symbols of love creative direction – Branding case study)


After we’ve implemented the new creatives, we started to increase the brand awareness and reach our target audience with the new wave of creatives. 

While the client’s previously run ads received hardly any clicks, the new direction achieved visibly significant results within just three weeks.

anjuna analytics

(Anjuna analytics before/after – Branding case study)

With a 35x improvement in the click-through rate, the cost per click decreased from €5 to €0.05, generating a lot of inexpensive, yet high-quality traffic to the website. By implementing a bold creative direction, we significantly strengthened the soft KPIs of Anjuna Ice Pops.

Although we are very pleased with the branding work, the main KPIs are the conversions and ROAS, which we have discussed in other case studies. For instance, in our Pinterest case study, we achieved a 25x return on spending, and in our supplement case study, we increased weekly revenue by 52% in three months.

We are thrilled to partner with brands that ignite the present and inspire a brighter future.
Contact us to make an impact!

    Zsolt Farkas

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    the CEO of Evolut.
